The Archive of the Unforgotten- Book Review

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‘The Archive of the Forgotten’ is the second part in the series, ‘Hell’s Library.’

This book is set in the Library of the Unwritten which is in fact part of Hell. Like Elysium which is a paradise realm and library all in one, Hell is also a very similar realm.

In the Library of the Unwritten, there are also different wings of the library which each character is in charge of. 

I loved dipping in and learning all about the different wings and different realms, one of which is Elysium.

After some books have now been destroyed and ink also now leaking everywhere, strange things begin to happen that the protectors did not anticipate.  They soon find out the library also has a lot of secrets that they did not realise.  The ink also has all sorts of powers and we soon find out the characters are intwined with the books.

We follow the characters as they go on a search for info of a past librarian of the Unwritten wing and to restore the lost books.

I loved reading each chapter from a different prospective as it gave me more of an insight to each character as we went on.

I’ve never read the first book in the series but I don’t feel you have to have read the first one to follow the story.  

I look forward to reading what happens next in the series.

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